Outdoor Summer Fun Near Parkway 25 Luxury Apartments

Throughout the long summer days, there’s plenty to do near Parkway 25 Luxury
Apartments. Here are just a few ideas to make best use of the beautiful summertime
in St. Louis Park.
Enjoy the nearby beauty of Bde Maka Ska. The largest link in the Chain of Lakes has
three beaches and a variety of water recreation activities. There’s plenty to do, from long
scenic walks to kayak rentals. More info click HERE
The City of St. Louis Park is partnering with the St. Louis Park Rotary Club to bring you
the Summer Concert Series, Kids Summer Concert Series, and Open Mic Nights! From
Salsa, to Rock n’ Roll to Folk music – all performances are free and filled with amazing
talent! Concerts are held at Veteran’s Memorial Amphitheater. Full calendar click HERE
Visit the nearby Westwood Hills Nature Center, a 160-acre natural area featuring
marsh, woods and restored prairie. The preserve is beautiful throughout the seasons
and provides homes for many animals, including deer, turtles, fox, mink and owls.
Parking and admission is free and the nature center trails are open every day from
sunrise to sunset, year-round. More info click HERE